
Needs a Place.

Multi Estate is the all-in-one real estate services and technology platform for top teams at any brokerage that makes running a profitable real estate business easier


Find an agent


Buy a home


Sell your home

Unbank yourself

in 3 simple steps!

Research & Development

Web, iOS and Android

Verify your identity

For the security of your assets

Transfer your crypto

Borrow, stake and earn

Your data, one world

For quality custom software solutions that meet your intricate business requirements. Whether you are a startup or an established business, you can develop web solutions that are tailored just for your business.

Active nodes


Store capacity

10+ PBytes


625 Million

Data pieces

42 Billion


cutting edge tech


we know marketting


Scale your business


limitless opportunity

Find a local PLACE Partner.

With 130+ locations across the Thailand and Asia-Pacific, it's easy to find a local estate agent to make the home buying or selling process a smooth, successful experience

Start your home search.

Our cutting-edge real estate technology makes finding the perfect property simple and fun.

Sell your home for more with PLACE.

We only partner with the top agents in every market who know what it takes to sell your home for the most amount of money in the least amount of time.

Your own marketing egency

Marketing and exposure is critical for your clients and for your brand. With marketing across digital, social, and print media, the estate in- house marketing and design agency helps you generate leads and elevate your brand simultaneously,

Systems = do more business

The combination of our training, technology, systems, leads, accountability, coaching, and brand will give your agents the tools to outperform the average agent with 10 years of experience. The top new agents on estate teams consistently close between 24 and 75 homes in their first year (vs. the national agent average of 10 to 12 deals per year after a decade in the industry).

Multi Estate 360

Advonced features to take your lodging business to the next level

Multi Estate Pro

Everything you need to grow your lodging business

Get a pricing quote tailored to your needs

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3 Factors That Made Blockchain Become Valuable Last Year

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